Bbc Cam Cb-280Ah-10 (Hyd), by COMP CAMS, Man. Part # 11-314-5

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10.6 LBS
3.0 (in)
2.8 (in)
24.6 (in)

Maximize the performance of your Big Block Chevy engine with the COMP CAMS Bbc Cam Cb-280Ah-10 (Hyd) camshaft. Designed for power and torque, this hydraulic flat tappet camshaft offers a lift of 0.547 inches and a duration of 280 / 288, ensuring optimal performance across a wide RPM range.

With a 110 LSA, this camshaft delivers exceptional throttle response and a smooth idle, making it perfect for street and strip applications. Whether you're cruising or racing, this camshaft will elevate your engine's capabilities and set you apart from the competition.

Unleash the full potential of your Big Block Chevy with the COMP CAMS Bbc Cam Cb-280Ah-10 (Hyd) camshaft. Its powerband of 2600 to 6500 RPM ensures impressive performance, perfect for enthusiasts looking to enhance their engine's power and reliability.

Upgrade your engine with confidence and experience the difference with the COMP CAMS Bbc Cam Cb-280Ah-10 (Hyd) camshaft. Take your driving experience to the next level with this high-quality camshaft that offers unmatched performance and durability.

Transform your Big Block Chevy into a powerhouse with the COMP CAMS Bbc Cam Cb-280Ah-10 (Hyd) camshaft. Elevate your driving experience with increased power, torque, and responsiveness for a thrilling ride every time.

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